Abrahan Ramirez
Miami Marlins Rookie
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The Marlins acquired Ramirez, infielder Jared Serna and catcher Agustin Ramirez from the Yankees on Saturday in exchange for infielder/outfielder Jazz Chisholm, Alden Gonzalez of ESPN.com reports.
Ramirez is the distant third piece in this three-prospect haul for Miami. A lefty-hitting infielder who put up impressive rookie-level numbers while being slightly older for the level, Ramirez slashed .348/.447/.513 with two home runs and six steals this season in the Florida Complex League. Given that he turns 20 in October, what Ramirez does at the Single-A level over the rest of the summer will be more telling than his exploits in rookie ball.
Ramirez is the distant third piece in this three-prospect haul for Miami. A lefty-hitting infielder who put up impressive rookie-level numbers while being slightly older for the level, Ramirez slashed .348/.447/.513 with two home runs and six steals this season in the Florida Complex League. Given that he turns 20 in October, what Ramirez does at the Single-A level over the rest of the summer will be more telling than his exploits in rookie ball.
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